What is Digital Image Processing?

Generally speaking, digital image processing is the process of transforming an image into a new format. There are various techniques used to do this. These include Structured elements, Compression, Morphological processing and segmentation, and Face detection. There are also applications of this technology in the medical field. Face detection Detecting a face in an image … Read more

Digital Globalization and Multinational Enterprises – What you Should Know

Despite its negative perception, digital globalization has a lot to offer for multinational companies. Depending on the industry, digital globalization can offer new opportunities and challenges. For instance, media industries are ideal candidates for globalization. However, there are also a number of limitations to digital globalization. Media industries are perfect candidates for globalization Historically, media … Read more

What is Digital Governance? Complete Guide

Developing a digital governance strategy can be a critical element in ensuring the success of your website. Having a plan will help you to monitor your competitors and identify roles and decision-making authority in your organization. This will also help you to establish lines of accountability. Identify leaders in the realm of strategy Identifying leaders … Read more

What Is Digital Graphics? Complete Guide

Basically, digital graphics are images created by computers and used in marketing campaigns. They are created with various programs and can be saved in different formats. Using these files can make it easy to create advertisements and promotions, as well as logos. In addition to this, they can also be used in applications for social … Read more

What is Digital Footprint? Explained

Basically, a digital footprint is a unique set of traceable digital activities, communications, and contributions. It can be classified as active or passive. Active vs passive data traces Using the internet is a part of our modern day lives. Every time we use the internet we leave behind a digital footprint, which is a trail … Read more

What is Digital Engineering? Explained!

Basically, digital engineering is the process of designing and implementing a digital product, such as a computer system, a website, or an application. It is also the practice of developing models, integrating data and information, and managing projects. Data management Managing data is a key factor in modern businesses. Having a clean, reliable set of … Read more

What is Mass Digitization? Complete Guide

Various efforts have been made to “mass digitize” documents. The purpose is to make these items accessible to everyone. Typically, databases are the “home” for a variety of these efforts. OCR technology, however, is also increasing in accuracy and speed, which allows for more effective mass-digitization. OCR technology is faster and more accurate Optical character … Read more