Get MICR Code And Address Of All Banks By IFSC Code


What is an IFSC Code?

The IFSC code is a unique 10-digit numeric code that uniquely identifies the branch of a bank. It can be used for sending money and also to track your transaction history. You can Get All the Information by Typing IFSC Code. Each bank in India has its own IFSC code and it’s similar to a SWIFT or BIC code in other countries. Here’s how you can find the IFSC Code of your bank, whether it is ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, or any other Indian bank.

The Indian Financial System Code is a unique identification code for all the bank’s branches and ATMs in India. This IFSC code is used to identify a bank branch or an ATM machine location.

This Code is 10 digits long, where the first two digits represent the district, the second two represent sub-district and the third two represent branch number within the same district.

What is MICR Code?

Micro-ATM, also known as the National Automated Clearing House (NACHA), is a standardized machine-readable payment system. MICR codes are the unique identification numbers that appear on all ATM cards and check cards. These codes allow you to use your card at any ATM worldwide and avoid the inconvenience of finding an ATM with a proper chip reader or changing your PIN frequently.

If you are planning to apply for a new job or want to change your current address, banks in India play an important role. You need the IFSC code, MICR code, and address of all branches in order to transfer money from your bank account to the new one.

This page contains all details about the banks in India. You can check here if you are looking for bank details or need to know any other details about a particular bank.

We have updated this page with more than 50+ Banks including SBI, PNB, Andhra Bank, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, etc. some of the major issues which are on your mind regarding bank account numbers in India.