Whether you’re trying to figure out what digital literacy is or whether you want to incorporate it into your classroom, there are a few things you can do to get started. You can also find some tips on how to get your school’s SMT on board with committing to this important initiative.
Explaining digital literacy
Digital literacy is the ability to use digital technologies and the internet effectively to access, understand, and create digital information. Digital literacy involves a range of skills, including the ability to use computers and other digital devices, as well as the ability to find, evaluate, and use online information and resources.
Digital literacy is increasingly important in today’s digital world, as it enables individuals to participate fully in society and the economy. It can also help to bridge the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have access to digital technologies and those who do not.
Digital literacy involves more than just technical skills. It also includes critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to communicate effectively online. Developing digital literacy requires ongoing learning and practice, and it is an important part of preparing for the 21st century workforce.
Creating opportunities for digital collaboration
Digital collaboration is an important part of running a business. It is a way of working that improves workflow and communication, and increases efficiency. With digital collaboration, teams can connect with each other, and share ideas, files, and other work-related information. These strategies can smooth out work processes, increase productivity, and ensure that all employees are on the same page.
As a result of the rise in cloud technology, people can now work from anywhere. Today, employees are able to do their job from their smartphones or laptops, and can also access work files from a central storage system. But how do you make sure your employees are using digital collaboration effectively? Here are three tips for creating opportunities for your team to use these tools.
First, create a common set of standards. Set benchmarks for how often different departments and teams collaborate, and measure the changes. This helps you gauge whether the implementation of new technologies is having a positive effect. You might want to set up a knowledge library, for instance, or develop tests that your employees can use to gauge their learning.
Next, decide on a platform for digital collaboration. Your options include apps, software, and a new methodology. If your team works from various locations, you might need a tool for virtual meetings. A Learning Management System (LMS) can help you organize live sessions, or you might opt to use Slack, MailChimp, or Zoom.
Finally, consider time zones. Depending on how your team is spread out, you may need to take into account overlapping timings. For example, if your team is spread out across the world, you might need to schedule meetings at varying times. Or, if you have an office in two different cities, you might need to make certain that you can communicate with everyone at the same time.
The most important thing is to ensure that your employees are collaborating effectively. A study by ConnectSolutions revealed that 77 percent of remote workers say they get more done in fewer hours than they would if they worked from the same location as their colleagues. Creating opportunities for digital collaboration will allow your team to feel a sense of satisfaction, and will improve their morale.
Another key factor in a successful collaboration is transparency. If all members of the team are aware of what is going on, they will be more motivated to get their jobs done. Not only does this improve morale, it will boost productivity as well. By giving each member a clear vision of what is happening, you can minimize the need for multiple specialists to make decisions.
Lastly, a good digital collaboration tool can reduce the amount of time employees spend on emails, meetings, and other distractions. Instead of having to sort through several different cloud storage systems to find the right file, they can easily access it through a single portal.
Learning to critically evaluate information’s authority and relevance
The ability to find and evaluate information is a skill that can be applied to a variety of applications. It can be used to enhance personal and professional life, increase prosperity, and improve civic engagement. Having a solid grasp of the art of evaluating information is a crucial skill to master in today’s digital world.
While the ability to retrieve information from the web is a skill that can be taught, the ability to actually assess the quality of that information is something that takes a bit of practice. There are a number of tools and techniques that can be utilized to determine the credibility of information. These include analyzing the author’s credentials, the intended audience, and the overall quality of the content. Using technology to enhance one’s critical thinking skills is a powerful way to achieve positive results.
One of the more commonly cited tools that can be used to measure the quality of information is the Wayback Machine. This is an open-source digital archive that allows users to view snapshots of web pages at various points in time. Getting a hold of historical web pages can be an eye-opening experience.
A more complex task is to evaluate information that is produced in a variety of formats, including websites, videos, and podcasts. These may be produced by a variety of organizations with varying interests. This can be a great opportunity to engage in a bit of meta-analysis or to compare and contrast different types of digital information. You could also try using the Internet Archive to view older versions of websites, which may be helpful in gaining a better sense of the overall quality of digital media.
Several prominent digital literacy organizations have produced a series of evaluation checklists for websites. Some of the questions asked to relate to the website’s domain name, while others focus on the source and contact details. The most comprehensive list includes questions about the author’s credentials, the intended audience, the topic of the article, and the quality of the content.
Another tool to consider is the CRAAP test, which was created by a group of librarians at California State University at Chico. Developed to help students hone their online research and retrieval skills, this is a well-developed tool that can be used in any classroom. Taking the time to develop the right skills can be an investment that pays off in the long run.
Fortunately, many of the best resources and tools that can be used to measure the quality and value of information are free or inexpensive. For example, the Wayback Machine is a free resource that can be used to create and archive digital content. This can be a valuable tool in determining the quality of a given piece of information, and can be a fun and educational exercise for all.
Getting your school’s SMT to commit to digital literacy
If you are a teacher, you may be wondering how to get your school’s SMT to commit to digital literacy. After all, you know that in the 21st century, students have access to more online curricula than ever before. But how can you teach students to use their newfound resources effectively and safely?
Teaching students to use technology to work together is an effective way to build digital literacy skills. It’s also an opportunity for students to develop time management and collaboration skills. These two traits are crucial for today’s students to succeed in a digital world.
Digital literacy requires students to learn how to assess the content of digital media, evaluate the authors, and evaluate the opinions of others. Students are also taught how to use digital media in an ethical manner. They also learn to identify and evaluate social issues created by the internet.
In order to teach students how to evaluate online content, teachers can provide example case studies. These examples can be generated before class time and used in discussions. For instance, students can discuss how a news story might be biased or misleading. Other ideas include discussing how people react to a certain type of information or how people can use emojis to express feelings.
One way to get your school’s SMT to support digital literacy is to offer digital literacy focused focus groups. These meetings can drive change and encourage more schools to embrace the concept.
Another way to get your school’s SMT on board is to create a collaborative planning model. This will increase cooperation and trust between teachers. Collaborative planning maximizes resources across departments and allows for cross-curricular learning. Learning Beyond Grades is one such program that brings leaders and teachers together for workshops, professional development, and toolkits to support teachers in reimagining classroom learning experiences.
Learning beyond grades is an innovative program that helps students master digital literacy skills and become lifelong learners. By partnering with Miro, Learning Beyond Grades provides educators with workshops, professional development, and toolkits that allow them to meet student learning needs and develop their own personalized learning programs. The platform also allows them to connect with school leaders and parents to develop visions and make them a reality.
The Every Student Succeeds Act, a recent reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, encourages schools to engage in professional development and promote digital citizenship. To help schools meet these mandates, the Maine commissioner of education must develop a technical assistance program for educators.
Digital etiquette, or electronic standards of conduct, is another way to help students learn to be safe online. Teachers can integrate digital etiquette into the classroom by making it a part of their rules. A teacher may want to include digital etiquette in a lesson on the history of a topic or the importance of communication with people you don’t know.