Free Online Word & Character Counter
Character Count
Word Count
Without White Spaces
500 000
Word And Character Counter Tool
Have you ever wanted to know how many times a word or phrase has been used in a piece of text? Are you looking for more specific information, such as how many times a word was used in the previous year? Well, you are in luck. This Word and character counter tool makes it easy to count both words and characters within a piece of text.
Word Counter Tool is a free online word count tool to help you count and calculate the number of words And Characters in a text. Words and character counter is an online SEO tool where you can find easily how many words of your paragraph, character count, and words without white spaces. Tip: Bookmark this page now.
It’s getting harder to count the words and characters you’ve written on a daily basis. Some people have tried to solve this problem with writing tablets, but they’re all bulky, heavy, and they only work in one direction.
It’s an easy-to-use tool where you can know word character count, word count in words, Website words and character count, etc.
Here is a simple tool that can help you track your progress. This tool lets you count words and characters in a spreadsheet. You will find it useful for writing practice and learning new words.
Disclaimer: We make our tools as accurate as possible but we cannot guarantee it will always be so.