Secrets To Generate Leads Effectively Through Content Upgrades and Useful Tools

Secrets To Generate Leads Effectively Through Content Upgrades and Useful Tools

Do you want to generate (more) leads? What is your strategy to achieve this goal? Many (inbound) marketers rely on the production of content for this. Unfortunately, they forget that not every content is suitable for generating leads (keyword: demand generation). It would also be far too easy, when more content would automatically result in … Read more

Pinterest SEO – How to Increase Traffic and Exposure on Pinterest

Pinterest SEO – How to Increase Traffic and Exposure on Pinterest

Talking about the importance of visual content is one thing. Understanding what really matters is quite another. Companies (and freelancers) who are successful with it do two things: First, they produce visual content specifically to generate attention and traffic. Secondly, they have firmly integrated visuals into their content strategy and work sustainably. Pinterest is becoming … Read more

Successful Email Marketing Strategies – Guide

Successful Email Marketing Strategies - Guide

Successful email marketing strategies of well-known companies and what we can learn from them (guest article) If we look at the marketing strategies of large and successful companies, we see that the E-Mail-Marketing is given more and more importance. Many companies thus link the many other marketing channels with each other – following the inbound … Read more

What is growth marketing? – Guide

What is growth marketing? Growth Marketing describes designing a customer experience with the aim of winning new and, above all, active customers. This is done by consciously crossing typical (competence) boundaries because corporate growth requires teamwork. Where does it come from? A holistic view of the entire value chain is crucial. Success requires satisfied users, … Read more