Essentially, a cyber physical production system (CPPS) is a network of objects that work together to accomplish a specific purpose. The system is a combination of computer-controlled robotics, human workers and the physical infrastructure that supports them. It can be used in a variety of industries, from healthcare to manufacturing to transportation. The system is also capable of integrating with other systems in order to achieve cross-domain applications. It also offers safety and security features.
Human-robot collaboration
‘Human-robot collaboration’ is a term used to describe robots and humans working together in the same factory. The goal is to increase the interaction between human and machine and to improve the productivity of the production process.
To achieve this, robots and human workers are placed in an intelligent environment. This is achieved through the use of sensors that tell data about the surroundings and the process, and a communication network. Collaborative robots are taught to perform the tasks necessary for the job. They have collision detection, programmable compliance and flexible capabilities.
The future manufacturing system will have the ability to interact with humans, raw materials and manufacturing machinery. These will allow the system to be flexible and customizable. It will also improve connectivity and accessibility. The industrial internet of things (IIoT) will also play a role, as it will make it possible to share data and enable connectivity.
A key feature towards human-robot collaborative manufacturing is a lead-through feature, which allows a human operator to lead a robot to a specific target location. This allows the robot to be programmed more intuitively. This is particularly useful for small-sized robots, which can be guided manually.
Human-robot collaboration is also a part of the future manufacturing system, as it can be combined with the capabilities of cyber-physical production systems. A remote human-robot collaboration system uses an industrial robot in combination with a remote workstation to control the robotic assembly parts. A model of the assembly parts is displayed in the collaborative workstation and recognised by an algorithm.
To measure the effectiveness of the collaborative approach, the paper considers the data delay rate as an index. This can affect the overall system response time. The system is evaluated in four different scenarios.
The paper proposes a formal grading system for the HRC process. This is based on the concept of the CPS, which can be considered the basic foundation of future manufacturing systems. It identifies the most important features of the collaborative process. It also outlines the methodology to implement a suitable solution.
Networked, cooperating objects
During the fourth industrial revolution, manufacturers aim to improve production efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and enhance product lifecycle management. The goal is achieved by integrating new human-machine interactions. These interactions include mass customization, context based learning, and intelligent manufacturing. The fourth industrial revolution also seeks to minimize costs and increase technological reliability.
Cyber Physical Production Systems (CPPS) are an intelligent manufacturing environment that enables the dynamic configuration of relevant parameters. This allows for faster and more accurate decision-making, and the ability to respond to unforeseen conditions.
CPPS incorporates computational components, software, and hardware. It is a highly complex platform that combines a number of technologies to expand the capabilities of smart connected products. It is designed to improve production efficiency by increasing visibility, improving traceability, and enabling a real-time assessment of patient condition.
These systems are designed to collect and share data via network, and then use that information to make real-time scheduling decisions. The resulting system increases workflow and prevents accidents. It can also be used to evaluate data in order to meet sustainable goals.
In addition to improving visibility, the CPPS has been shown to increase product security and improve productivity. The CPPS has been found to function in various temporal modes and spatial layouts, as well as to exhibit a wide range of dynamic behaviors.
One of the CPPS’s primary functions is to monitor energy usage. Its dynamic mechanisms are responsible for adjusting energy consumption based on the availability of renewable energy. Aside from that, it is also used for safety distance computation.
The physical research demonstrator is comprised of an industrial PC, a heavy payload robot from FANUC, two high definition (HD) cameras, and a robot controller. This system has been validated using a series of experiments on physically distributed systems. It was also tested to assess the performance of the proposed approach.
In addition to the CPPS, other technology areas such as distributed robotics, automated pilot avionics, and autonomous automobile systems are also being developed. These systems are part of a large network of systems that combine wireless networking, distributed sensing, and manipulation.
Safety and security
Integrated safety and security standards are necessary for many application domains. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) play a key role in several industries, including healthcare, critical infrastructure, and government. These technologies are gaining wide adoption in modern industrial productions.
These CPS devices include embedded processors, sensors, communication networks, and embedded actuators that sense and respond to physical environments. Cyber-related activities such as distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, malware, and malware modification of sensor data can affect the CPS in multiple ways. These issues can lead to a system explosion, environment pollution, and loss of lives.
There are several approaches for integrating safety and security in cyber physical systems. Some of these methods are model-based and some are generic. Some are supported by software tools. These methods are often designed for particular application domains.
The purpose of this paper is to review the current state of safety and security co-engineering in CPSs. It also discusses the research challenges. It provides a comprehensive survey of safety and cybersecurity co-engineering methods and presents a case study. It concludes with a discussion of future research opportunities.
As connectivity increases, concepts of safety and security will change. Cyber-related activities can compromise the safety of a cyber-physical system and can even cause occupational safety issues. The connected environment can also disrupt the synchronization of devices. In addition, unmanaged catastrophic conditions can weaken the security posture of the CPS.
This is a complex problem. It involves a wide range of engineering disciplines, and not all of them are applicable to CPSs.
There are also a variety of risk assessment methods used to evaluate the safety and security of cyber-physical systems. These methods are grouped by lifecycle phase and criteria.
Traditionally, safety and security are managed independently. However, a single approach can be used to identify hazards and threats to a system, as well as to identify safety and security requirements. This approach can also be used to assess the safety and security of a system when both are equally important.
This paper introduces a method for integrating safety and security in a cyber-physical production system. The method combines traditional physical safety prevention with conventional physical safety prevention to identify hazards and assess risks.
Cross-domain applications
Developing a cyber physical production system (CPPS) is a complex task. It is composed of a set of physical, computation, and control components. These components are linked to different domains and system layers. They are intended to enable intelligent interactions with other systems and to expand the capabilities of smart connected products.
To design a secure and effective CPPS, it is important to understand the challenges and tradeoffs involved. Engineers from all fields must collaborate to understand how these tradeoffs can affect the overall system architecture. While some of these problems can be solved with technical solutions, other issues may require more comprehensive analysis.
For example, the integration of human-centric data from various domains into a single information model is a common problem. A number of approaches have been proposed to alleviate this problem. These include assuming that multiple domains share a latent common rating pattern. In addition, several recommendation models have been developed to solve the data sparsity problem. However, most of these approaches have not provided a reliable threat model for reliable operation of a CPPS.
Another common issue involves the ephemeral nature of temporary connections. These connections are created for a limited period of time, but they can still provide a logical connection between systems. These temporary connections reduce the attack surface, but also introduce cross domain risks.
To effectively implement a CDS, it is crucial to maintain the principles of cross domain security. These principles guide the selection of the right security controls, as well as the implementation of these controls. In particular, they help to identify and defend against unknown threats, content-based and trusted insider threats, and protocol-based attacks. In addition, these principles can also be used to develop a comprehensive architecture.
To design a robust and secure CPPS, it is essential to ensure that the security functions and other components are implemented in a sensible and comprehensive system architecture. This is because these security functions and other components will be tailored to meet the needs of specific business requirements. In addition, they will be applied in a logical and sensible pattern, which will reduce the risk of bypassing security controls.